ACURIL XL: Annual Conference, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 6-12 junio 2010

Translated: EnglishSpanish, French

Asociación de Bibliotecas Universitarias,  Investigación e Institucionales del  Caribe
Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries
Association des Bibliothèques Universitaires, de Recherche  et Institutionnelles de la  Caraïbe

Santo Domingo,  Dominican Republic
June 6-12, 2010

Innovation and Informational Impact in the Caribbean:
Evidence-Based Practice of the Library and Information Professional

San Juan, Puerto Rico
March 12, 2010

Dear ACURIL Colleagues and Friends:

It is with great pleasure that I cordially invite you to attend the 4Oth celebration of ACURIL’s Annual Conference.  We are pleased and honored that Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, is again site of our professional event.  ACURIL XL will be held June 6-12, 2010, at the InterContinental V Centenario Hotel.

Conscious of the need that we,  librarians and other information professionals, have to propitiate proactive changes to build up better practices in our field, to contribute to the study and research endeavors of our diverse communities, to the sustainability of our counties, and  to be part of  the global and competitive world we live in, I have selected the theme  Innovation and Informational Impact in the Caribbean: Evidence-Based Practice of the Library and Information Professional.   The evidence-based practice provides a focus by which the information work environment in our professional field can be transformed into an intelligent research organization, through the use of the best possible evidence, along with pragmatic perspectives developed through our daily work.

Our Conference program presents a selection of distinguished key-note speakers and special colleagues to contribute with their insights.  Other special colleagues will be selected through our conference call for papers, seminar/workshops and poster sessions.  We are strengthening our special interest and content area groups providing more seminar/working sessions. And provision is made, as usual, for technological updates and visits to diverse information units.

This Acurilean event represents a singular, unique space, of  our professional continuing education  and development program geared to our members, other information professionals and interested parties. It brings us a special opportunity to share knowledge and experiences about our best practices in our information units, and to update our knowledge and skills with advances in the field.  The exposure to the event facilitates the exchange of ideas and the opportunity to network,  to strengthen professional ties with colleagues in common areas in the field, and to interact with information products and services providers.

The Local Organizing Committee is working arduously to provide the best infrastructure for the event.  It has selected cultural and social activities to ensure a special, cultural flavor, to  instill the synergy, facilitate the  sharing environment in the Dominican country.  They are preparing themselves to receive us with open arms.

ACURIL rejoices in celebrating its 4oth Anniversary and prepares itself to hold a most significant and successful Conference.  It will be my pleasure to greet you personally in Santo Domingo.


Carmen Margarita Santos-Corrada, MLS

Skype: carmen.m.santos.corrada


ACURIL_XL_President Invitation


ACURIL XL Conference Registration

ACURIL XL Conference Registration (PDF)

ACURIL XL Hotel Registration

ACURIL XL Hotel Registration (PDF)

ACURIL XL Hotel Registration (03-10)

ACURIL_XL_Preliminary Program

ACURIL XL Call for Posters

ACURIL XL Call for Workshops

ACURIL XL RD Call for papers

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